ReportsFebruary 21, 2009

State of Microfinance Investment 2009

MicroRate’s State of Microfinance Investment: The 2009 MIV Survey, analyzed information from 68 of the 74 microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs1) identified. The impact of the financial crisis was reflected in a significantly lower growth rate. In 2008, MIV assets grew 31%, from $3.8 billion to $5.04 billion, compared with an average growth of 80% from 2005-2007. Total outstanding microfinance assets grew 29%, from $3.04 to $3.91 million, compared to an average growth of 108% from 2005-2007. The number of new MIVs in 2008 remained constant as did the ratio of microfinance assets to total MIV assets which held at 78%.

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