MicroRate Benchmark

Created quarterly based on information reported by our globally rated entities.

Includes comparable samples organized by: type of entity (banks, cooperatives, funds, others), region, portfolio size, condition (supervised/not supervised), and credit method.


Benchmark reports are useful decision-making tools. They allow you to:

  • Get to know key performance indicators
  • Compare performance of analyzed entity with respect to average values
  • Monitor performance in a timely manner and set targets
  • Review comparable average values, according to the entity's specific profile
  • Identify sector trends in a timely manner
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Provides full access to exclusive material from MicroRate Research, considered a trusted source of information on the market.

We complement the work of investors by offering an independent and specialized opinion, so that you can manage, monitor, and expand your operations efficiently and effectively.

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Designed for agents seeking sufficient information on Financial Institution and on the sector.

  • Access to Rating Reports
  • Alert Service

Premium Plan

Designed for agents who continuously seek first-hand information on the microfinance sector for prospecting purposes.

  • Access to Rating Reports
  • Alert Service
  • MicroRate Benchmark Reports
  • Country Benchmark Reports
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