We share a brief analysis of the findings of our Financial Benchmark (Benin) as of June 2021.
March 1, 2013
Newsletter - March 2013
Only available in Spanish and Portuguese
October 16, 2012
This marks the 7th consecutive year that MicroRate has conducted its survey of microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs), which play a key role in connecting private and public capital with microfinance institutions (MFIs) around the world. Despite the ups and downs of the microfinance market, these market matchmakers have consistently continued to play this important role and we look forward to providing continued coverage of their activities in the years to come.
This year's survey includes responses of 86 MIVs, out of a total 102 contacted. This report covers over 93% of MIVs’ total assets, $7.0 billion out of an estimated $7.5 billion in total global assets under management.
June 18, 2024
Desde hace varios años, la clasificadora de riesgos MicroRate viene elaborando benchmarks financieros y sociales de manera semestral, a partir de la información de diversas entidades financieras latinoamericanas que evaluamos.
Léalo completo aquí
May 2, 2024
El futuro de las microfinancieras en materia de sostenibilidad está marcado por la necesidad de integrar los factores ESG en sus operaciones y ofrecer productos financieros sostenibles, basados en información de los clientes
March 7, 2024
Los invitamos a leer el artículo publicado por nuestro jefe comercial, Diego Vargas Romero, donde nos detalla la importancia de las calificadoras de riesgo y el compromiso que tienen con el mercado.
June 1, 2023
MicroRate analizó al detalle la cartera de 5 IMF supervisadas que representan 10% del total de cartera MYPE en Perú (aproximadamente USD14 mil millones).
May 29, 2023
Lento crecimiento, estable liquidez, ligera mejora en márgenes operativos resumen el desempeño del sistema cooperativo local. El principal desafío y amenaza, sin embargo, continúa siendo la gestión del riesgo crediticio.
February 6, 2023
Social performance has become a “standard” for financial institutions over the last few years, especially for those who began their activities with a strong social mission.
December 30, 2022
In recent years, more and more financial institutions are interested in the issue of social performance. Indeed, the double goal, financial and social, has became the standard to succeed in fulfilling their missions. The establishment of a social performance units has helped organizations to monitor their social activities and alignment with their objectives.
December 22, 2022
In addition to COVID-19 pandemic, which challenged the entire world, the economic crisis driven by the war in Ukraine has created new challenges for the microfinance sector and finance in general.
November 14, 2022
Corporate governance is a system that comprises a set of rules, practices and processes used to manage an entity. Good governance allows to properly manage the operation and integration of the entirety of an institution's areas.
That is why its role is fundamental to achieving compliance with responsible practices towards customers, with top managers as the first to internalize and transmit the respective culture at all organizational levels.
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October 17, 2022
In recent years, there has been a growing trend in financial institutions to adopt policies and processes comprising a social and environmental component, aimed at ensuring the well-being and growth of their employees and customers, as well as that of the community and the environment.
In addition to contributing to the sustainable development of its country, an MFI generates an improvement in both reputation and confidence on the part of its stakeholders (customers, employees, investment funds, and suppliers, among others).
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August 12, 2022
In this article, we share some insights on what MicroRate has observed in the performance of the African microfinance sector over the past three years.Read here
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July 19, 2022
En este artículo compartimos las principales observaciones en el desempeño del sector microfinanciero hondureño vs el promedio de Latinoamérica. Ver aquí
Para recibir la versión completa gratuita, Regístrese Aquí
July 5, 2022
En este artículo compartimos las principales observaciones en el desempeño del sector microfinanciero ecuatoriano vs el promedio de Latinoamérica. Ver aquí
Para recibir la versión completa gratuita, Regístrese Aquí
July 5, 2022
In this article we share the main observations on the performance of the Peruvian microfinance sector vs. the Latin American average. See here
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April 5, 2022
En este Country Note compartimos un resumen de los resultados del sector supervisado local, anotando aspectos relevantes observados en el desempeño de las microfinancieras colombianas durante el 2021.
Ver aquí (versión corta)
Para recibir la versión completa gratuita, regístrese aquí.
April 6, 2017
Practices such as an unusually fast growth in a complex context, risky credit operations approval, commercialization of loan credit assets and parallel information systems affect, sooner rather than later, the credit risk. In accordance to Microrate’s experience, an inappropriate management of assets’ quality has a direct impact, not necessarily immediate, on the financial institutions’ (FI) financial health.
January 24, 2017
Social Performance Management (SPM) seems not to be a “fad” for the microfinance sector in Latin America; on the contrary, it is becoming a structured objective and it is even demanded by some countries across the region.
In fact, there is a keen worldwide interest for the social service of the microfinance sector, since it addresses a economically sensitive niche segment.
October 16, 2012
This marks the 7th consecutive year that MicroRate has conducted its survey of microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs), which play a key role in connecting private and public capital with microfinance institutions (MFIs) around the world. Despite the ups and downs of the microfinance market, these market matchmakers have consistently continued to play this important role and we look forward to providing continued coverage of their activities in the years to come.
This year's survey includes responses of 86 MIVs, out of a total 102 contacted. This report covers over 93% of MIVs’ total assets, $7.0 billion out of an estimated $7.5 billion in total global assets under management.
June 18, 2024
Desde hace varios años, la clasificadora de riesgos MicroRate viene elaborando benchmarks financieros y sociales de manera semestral, a partir de la información de diversas entidades financieras latinoamericanas que evaluamos.
Léalo completo aquí
May 2, 2024
El futuro de las microfinancieras en materia de sostenibilidad está marcado por la necesidad de integrar los factores ESG en sus operaciones y ofrecer productos financieros sostenibles, basados en información de los clientes
March 7, 2024
Los invitamos a leer el artículo publicado por nuestro jefe comercial, Diego Vargas Romero, donde nos detalla la importancia de las calificadoras de riesgo y el compromiso que tienen con el mercado.
June 1, 2023
MicroRate analizó al detalle la cartera de 5 IMF supervisadas que representan 10% del total de cartera MYPE en Perú (aproximadamente USD14 mil millones).
May 29, 2023
Lento crecimiento, estable liquidez, ligera mejora en márgenes operativos resumen el desempeño del sistema cooperativo local. El principal desafío y amenaza, sin embargo, continúa siendo la gestión del riesgo crediticio.
February 6, 2023
Social performance has become a “standard” for financial institutions over the last few years, especially for those who began their activities with a strong social mission.
December 30, 2022
In recent years, more and more financial institutions are interested in the issue of social performance. Indeed, the double goal, financial and social, has became the standard to succeed in fulfilling their missions. The establishment of a social performance units has helped organizations to monitor their social activities and alignment with their objectives.
December 22, 2022
In addition to COVID-19 pandemic, which challenged the entire world, the economic crisis driven by the war in Ukraine has created new challenges for the microfinance sector and finance in general.
November 14, 2022
Corporate governance is a system that comprises a set of rules, practices and processes used to manage an entity. Good governance allows to properly manage the operation and integration of the entirety of an institution's areas.
That is why its role is fundamental to achieving compliance with responsible practices towards customers, with top managers as the first to internalize and transmit the respective culture at all organizational levels.
To receive the full version for free, Register here
October 17, 2022
In recent years, there has been a growing trend in financial institutions to adopt policies and processes comprising a social and environmental component, aimed at ensuring the well-being and growth of their employees and customers, as well as that of the community and the environment.
In addition to contributing to the sustainable development of its country, an MFI generates an improvement in both reputation and confidence on the part of its stakeholders (customers, employees, investment funds, and suppliers, among others).
To receive the full version for free, Register here
August 12, 2022
In this article, we share some insights on what MicroRate has observed in the performance of the African microfinance sector over the past three years.Read here
Receive the free full version, register here.
July 19, 2022
En este artículo compartimos las principales observaciones en el desempeño del sector microfinanciero hondureño vs el promedio de Latinoamérica. Ver aquí
Para recibir la versión completa gratuita, Regístrese Aquí
July 5, 2022
En este artículo compartimos las principales observaciones en el desempeño del sector microfinanciero ecuatoriano vs el promedio de Latinoamérica. Ver aquí
Para recibir la versión completa gratuita, Regístrese Aquí
July 5, 2022
In this article we share the main observations on the performance of the Peruvian microfinance sector vs. the Latin American average. See here
Receive the free full version, register here.
April 5, 2022
En este Country Note compartimos un resumen de los resultados del sector supervisado local, anotando aspectos relevantes observados en el desempeño de las microfinancieras colombianas durante el 2021.
Ver aquí (versión corta)
Para recibir la versión completa gratuita, regístrese aquí.
April 6, 2017
Practices such as an unusually fast growth in a complex context, risky credit operations approval, commercialization of loan credit assets and parallel information systems affect, sooner rather than later, the credit risk. In accordance to Microrate’s experience, an inappropriate management of assets’ quality has a direct impact, not necessarily immediate, on the financial institutions’ (FI) financial health.
January 24, 2017
Social Performance Management (SPM) seems not to be a “fad” for the microfinance sector in Latin America; on the contrary, it is becoming a structured objective and it is even demanded by some countries across the region.
In fact, there is a keen worldwide interest for the social service of the microfinance sector, since it addresses a economically sensitive niche segment.
October 16, 2012
This marks the 7th consecutive year that MicroRate has conducted its survey of microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs), which play a key role in connecting private and public capital with microfinance institutions (MFIs) around the world. Despite the ups and downs of the microfinance market, these market matchmakers have consistently continued to play this important role and we look forward to providing continued coverage of their activities in the years to come.
This year's survey includes responses of 86 MIVs, out of a total 102 contacted. This report covers over 93% of MIVs’ total assets, $7.0 billion out of an estimated $7.5 billion in total global assets under management.