EventsSeptember 8, 2022

Seminar in SPM for Financial Institutions

International Seminar "Social Performance Management for Financial Institutions"

Date: September 30
Time: 3:00 pm (UTC+1)  
Platform: Zoom  
Duration: 3 hours

Speaker: Pamela Gómez, Senior Analyst

Economist with a Master’s in Finance, Banking, Risk and Investment Funds. She has led rating missions in microfinance institutions of different sizes and credit methodologies in Latin America, as well as in the Spanish, English and French-speaking Caribbean. Additionally, she has participated in missions in Africa and Central Asia.


- Institution’s social orientation 

- Formalization of processes

- Key aspects of mission deployment

- Relevant factors for measuring responsible finance

- Corporate Social Responsibility 

- Understanding the benchmark in SPM (examples of indicators)

- ESG (environmental, social and governance)


EARLY PAYMENT Until Sep. 23 

USD 180 p/person


REGULAR PRICE From Sep. 24 to 30

USD 250 p/person




After you have completed your registration, we will contact you to provide you with more information and make payment arrangements.



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El próximo 17 de diciembre celebraremos la 4ta
edición de nuestro evento de cierre de año.

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