What’s NewAugust 18, 2023

“El mayor desafío que enfrentan las Cajas Municipales es tratar de buscar un balance en la gestión de pasivos y activos para tener una mayor holgura a la hora de ejecutar sus planes financieros”.

María Belén Effio, CEO de MicroRate, para el diario Microfinanzas. 

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Perú: Clasificación de Riesgo al 31 de Marzo del 2024

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December 26, 2023

MICRORATE'S TOP RATING 2023: Financial service providers that obtained a grade of excellence

As every year, we are pleased to announce those institutions that have reached international excellence at either of 3 different categories: Institutional Performance (Institutional Rating), Social Performance (Social Rating) and, starting this year, Client Protection (Client Protection Standards Certification).

The lists include only those institutions with public ratings in the range of excellence that were rated during 2023. Institutions with the same grade were listed in alphabetical order.

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