MicroRate está presente en el Seminario Taller “Criterios ESG, retos y oportunidades de fondeo para instituciones financieras”, organizado por RFD - Red de Instituciones Financieras de Desarrollo de Ecuador, a realizarse los días 8 y 9 de este mes.
En esta oportunidad, Eduardo Zúñiga, Gerente Ejecutivo de MicroRate, fue invitado a brindar una charla titulada: “ESG y su importancia para el acceso a fondeo”, donde pudo compartir la relevancia de esta calificación, su alcance y algunas mejores prácticas que vienen aplicándose actualmente en la región.
10 novembre 2021
MicroRate's 2021 Top Rated MFIs Announcement
After a year full of challenges for Microfinance Institutions (MFIs), we want to publicly recognize in presence of the various actors of the Microfinance Sector, those MFIs rated by MicroRate that had superior financial, social, and institutional performances even in the face of an adverse context in the localities where they operate without losing focus on their mission towards financial inclusion.
We cordially invite you to attend this live event where we will have the participation of the entities that achieved excellence in 2 categories: Social Performance and Institutional Performance, where they will share their experience of how 2021 was for them and the best practices that led to their outstanding performance.
Please register here if you want to participate: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_k8wU7EEuSryoGpEmfBGp5A